As part of the Faculty Office, Instrumentation Engineering develops, designs and realises innovative technical products and solutions not available on the market. We support the university’s core tasks, research and teaching in two ways.
We remove technological obstacles, allowing the development of commercially unavailable technology that enables researchers to apply new research methods and carry out unique research. Allowing them to lead in research, enhancing Maastricht University as a whole and the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience in particular as a research institution.
We carry out safeguarding activities (repairs, maintenance, registration and safety) to ensure the operational lifespan and safety of the equipment used for education and research in the central research labs.
Neuroloog in opleiding drs. Brian Martens en kinderneuroloog prof. Jeroen Vermeulen van het Maastricht UMC+ onderzoeken wat er precies gebeurt in de hersenen en spieren van een kind met dystonie. Dit onderzoek vindt plaats in nauwe samenwerking met neuropsycholoog dr. Tjeerd Boonstra en Instrumentation Engineering. Lees het volledige artikel hier.
Seksuele opwinding in een relatie. Als eerste universiteit ter wereld heeft de Universiteit Maastricht sinds kort een ‘co-sekslab’ waar hier onderzoek naar wordt gedaan. „Met deze kennis hopen we stellen met problemen in hun seksleven te kunnen helpen”, aldus onderzoeker Marieke Dewitte. Lees het volledige artikel uit de Limburger hier.
Answering specific research questions IE designs and builds dedicated research facilities including operational lifespan and safeguarding activities.
During a Virtual Reality experiment the participant is able to move through, and have interaction with, a virtual, 3-dimensional world.
SOTO is a tool to take questionnaires and cognitive tests on the Internet and is created in-house by IE.
Mobile Apps provide a platform for in-situ, intensive long-term and large-scale experiments where easily accessible and intuitive user interaction is required.
A Serious Game is a (video)game with a different goal than pure entertainment. In our case this goal is research and/or education.
Experimental designs are built to execute a wide range of behavioral, psychological and physiological experiments.
At Instrumentation Engineering we build custom hardware for the prototype 7T and 9.4T MRI scanners.